Common events with H2020 projects

ENCLUDE at the "Transforming Consumption-Production Systems Toward Just and Sustainable Futures"


Our partner BinBin Pearce will attend the "Transforming Consumption-Production Systems Toward Just and Sustainable Futures",  a joint 5th SCORAI, 21st ERSCP, and Wageningen University Conference, on the 6th of July,2023 at 11:00 CET. BinBin Pearce is going to be at the conference moderating a session on energy citizenship where all our sibling projects are going to be on the same panel.  

This inter- and transdisciplinary conference will provide a crucial opportunity to discuss recent advancements in sustainable consumption and production (SCP). It will provide a platform for building and enhancing connections between research, practice, and policy to increase understanding and action on how to move transformations to SCP forward.

You can find more info here.